Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

Out with the old and in with the new...As 2012 comes to a close and 2013 begins, I look back at what a hell 2012 has been.
There were many times in the past year when I wondered just what did I do to have all kinds of misfortunes happen to me and my family. I can safely say that 2012 was definitely among the worst years I've lived through.
Still, 2012 did not pass without some good memories or blessings. I did get to meet one of the celebrities I had wanted to meet for a long while, Asakawa Yuu. I got to watch my new favorite anime Sword Art Online and read the light novels. Then there's things like being able to have a job and a roof over my head. Those are always blessings.
I'm a little scared to think of what will happen in 2013, much of the issues I had with 2012 are still not resolved. This makes me shudder in thinking of what might happen in the coming year. It is my hope that the fates may smile upon me and grant me good fortune this coming year.
And to all of you, I have much hope that 2012 did not treat any of you too harshly, and that 2013 will be a much better year than 2012. So to everyone of you, may you have a Happy New Year.

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