Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

It's that time of year again...while I am not terribly religious or into the Christmas season, I do recognize that it is a special time of year where you spend time with your family and friends. It is also a time to make your "Christmas wishes" and hope that they will come true.
I am pretty sure most everyone knows the reason for the holiday of Christmas, but I think that Christmas transcends religion and has become just an integral part of all cultures. If not, then non-Christian countries like Japan wouldn't have so much fun celebrating it too. After all, the Japanese do go all out on this holiday as well.
Rather than something religious, I do think that what makes Christmas so great that even non-religious people are willing to celebrate it is just that it is the single time of year when maybe hope and goodwill are at its strongest - we all are (even just a little bit) nicer to our fellow man. It's a time when magic seems to be possible.

So with that, I wish that all your Christmas dreams do come true. Please be safe and have a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas!

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