Monday, March 25, 2013

Gundam SEED

Over this past weekend, I spent some time watching Gundam SEED Destiny. This series came out quite a few years ago. In this upcoming season, a remastered version of the series will also be released.
Anyway, Gundam SEED Destiny is a sequel series to Gundam SEED. These two series take place in the far future when man has already colonized space. In addition, genetic manipulation has become somewhat commonplace, giving rise to the Coordinators - humans that have had their genes manipulated at conception. However, because of this, a war broke out between the Coordinators and Naturals (normal humans).
In the first series, events start to spiral out of control as the war intensifies between the two sides. Even neutral nations are dragged into the conflict. One boy, Kira Yamato, a neutral pacifist, is put into an impossible situation where he must fight as the pilot of a giant mechanical mobile suit called Gundam in order to protect his friends. The second series starts up after the war has died down. Once again lines are drawn and the war begins to engulf the world. Once again, Kira Yamato must find an end to the conflict as a Gundam pilot.
Out of all the Gundam series (and there have been very many), I found this series to be my absolute favorite. There is quite a bit of action and drama as Kira struggles to find his path and what he must do to protect the people closest to him. Though some of the plot is overused from the older Gundam series, I do think that it matched well with story.
Along those lines, if you like military-type shows or just love giant robots, any of the Gundam series are great anime. Please feel free take a chance with some of them (like Gundam SEED or another one I like Gundam 00). You might be surprised and find yourself liking them too.

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