Wednesday, September 5, 2012


What if all the gods throughout all cultures across the world existed and wreaked havoc upon the world whenever they felt like it? That is part of the setting for a recent anime called Campione.
In the world of Campione, gods exist, and some of them are rogue gods that bring misfortune to mankind. Because of this, "hero kings" exist. They are the godslayers or Campione. By slaying a god, one receives all the powers and authorities the god had. So enter Kusanagi Godou. During a trip to Italy, he gets caught up in a battle between gods. Through various circumstances, he manages to defeat Verethragna, the Persian god of victory, thus becoming a campione.
This anime comes in the for of your typical harem anime. One guy with many girls, all of the girls in love with that one guy. Situations like that make you a little jealous. Anyway, while I do enjoy some of the antics of the characters, I have to say the main point that I like about the series is how cultural deities are incorporated into the story. I have to say I did not even know that Verethragna even existed. The author also goes through a great deal to analyze and explain how some gods even may have come to be...though this may only be his interpretation. All in all, it looks like a great series, and it looks like I will be following this one as well.

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