Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer 2012 Anime

Well, it's that time again. The seasons have changed and so does the anime. Last season was great with such shows as Fate/Zero, Tasogare Otome, Sankarea, and Medaka Box. This season, there are some new and interesting anime coming out that I'm looking forward to watching.
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse takes place in a separate timeline. According to the story, the world is under attack by Beings of Extra Terrestrial origin Adversary to humans (BETAs in short). They have conquered much of the world and are moving in on Japan. The story follows a girl as she pilots mech suits to fight off the BETAs.

Originally, I was interested in this anime because I knew of Muv-Luv from the manga. Despite this series from being entirely different from the manga, I am still interested in following this apocalyptic story.
Dog Days Season 2
When the first season of Dog Days came out, I found it to be an all right anime. I think the only reason I really started watching it was because Horie Yui was voicing the princess of Biscotti and there were cat and dog girls involved. Though the plot was a little boring and the concept was somewhat uninteresting I gave it a go. Now that the series has a new season, I find myself watching it once again...

Anyway, the story follows Shinku a boy who was summoned by the princess of Biscotti in a time of trouble to become the kingdom's hero (in the first season). After returning to the human world, he returns to the world he saved, this time with his two friends to enjoy a summer.
Cardfight Vanguard Season 2

One thing that I'm happy for this season is that I can finally watch the second season of Cardfight Vanguard as well. The second season continues after Aichi and team Q4 win the national vanguard tournament. However, something has changed and the Royal Paladins (Aichi's deck clan) no longer "exists". In order to find out what happened to his beloved Royal Paladins, he must use the Gold Paladins to win his way through an international tournament circuit in order to meet someone who should know what is happening.

There are a few others I'm thinking of checking out, but maybe I'll save those for next time.

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