Monday, July 23, 2012

Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai

"Each girl has her own unique treasure, and to me, it is the variety in all these treasures that brings romance to my life."

This quote...and what follows it actually made me laugh. Just recently I decided to take up watching a new anime this season, Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai (So I Can't Play H).
Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai

This series is about a boy Ryousuke who meets a shinigami named Risara. Risara is looking for a person called a special specimen and comes to the human realm to find that person. However, in order for her to survive in the human realm, she must take energy from a partner. She becomes a temporary partner to Ryousuke. The one catch, humans get their energy from a "source" and Ryousuke's source is ero/ecchi (perversion).

After watching the few episodes that are out now, I really like it. It has a lot of fan service (and the episodes I've seen are uncensored - so please take some caution if you don't want parent's or significant others seeing it), but my favorite part is that Risara pretty much seems like the typical tsun-tsun tsundere (my favorite type of anime character).

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