Monday, August 5, 2013

Final Fantasy

Probably one of the most popular RPG franchises is SquareEnix's Final Fantasy. It was originally started in the late 80's, and over the years it has grown to become a huge franchise with over 20 titles. It has also spawned a couple of movies and even one anime series.
Most installments of each game consist of their own cast of characters, game mechanics, and story. This makes the games stand alone (you won't need to play Final Fantasy IV in order to play Final Fantasy V).
Anyway, I have played most of the games for the series (though recently I have not completed any of the newer titles due to various reasons). There are many things that I love about Final Fantasy, foremost being the intricate stories that each title brings. Another main factor that I love about the franchise is the fact that their characters are well-developed and add to the stories' greatness.
My favorite title of the series would have to be Final Fantasy VII. I know that there are a lot of people who would disagree (mainly for the fact that a lot of people do assert that FFVII was the best). In my opinion, I just love it so much because I thought the story was very engaging. I also love the characters very much. As a side note, FFVII is also the only game that almost made me want to "rage-quit" the game. The materia system also happened to be one of my favorite game systems because it allowed for vast customization on all your characters.
If you love great stories and RPGs, please do check out Final Fantasy. Most of the titles can be found on the Sony systems (Playstation).

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