Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Welcome to the League of Legends...

Boom!...headshot. That is a quote from one of my favorite characters in a free-to-play online game that I have been a fan of for quite a while. The game - League of Legends - is a great online game in which you control a champion and attack a base to win the game. Sounds simple, right? Well, the enemy has champions of their own ready to kill your champion and attack your base too.
There are well over 100 champions to choose from during a game. Each champion has a unique skill set to master, and with it a set role to play on a team. In my case, my favorite character, Caitlyn the Sheriff of Piltover, is an AD Ranged Carry. In other words, she's a ranged champion that specializes in attack damage. While it says she's a carry (she usually starts off weaker than other characters) I do find her skill set and play style more to my liking than any other champion.
Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover

My other favorite champion, oddly enough, is Caitlyn's partner, Vi. According to the lore (each champion also comes with his/her/its own back story. In this case, Caitlyn and Vi are the dynamic duo of "Good Cop, Bad Cop" for the town of Piltover. Where Caitlyn uses ranged attacks, Vi gets into the thick of things and smashes them with her fists.
Vi, Caitlyn's partner

Anyway, League of Legends is a great free game to try out. However, while it is free to play, in order to continuously play a champion you like, you have to purchase them with either Riot Points (RP - a point system based on the use of real money) or Influence Points (IP - a point system based on how much you play). If you don't want to buy anything, you can still play the game. Each week, the game has a set of ten free champions to use.
This week's (6/17 - 6/23) free champion rotation

If you'd like to try out this game, point your browsers over to or just click this link here. See you on the Fields of Justice!

1 comment:

  1. Sejuani my Favorite champions in league of legends....
    Her weapon like; Frost Armor,Permafrost, Glacial Prison etc.. are damaging an enemy...
